Thursday 14 February 2013

Karneval in Deutschland

It's been Karneval time in Germany again: On Monday (Rosenmontag) Germans celebrated in massive street parties and parades, wearing fancy dress and catching the sweets (or 'Kamelle') being thrown from the colourful floats.

One of the best known areas for these fun events in the Rheinland, the very place many of our German learning pupils have travelled to for their Year 7 trip. They will remember the city of Koblenz (with the huge statue of Kaiser Wilhelm on a horse overlooking the confluence of the rivers Moselle and Rhine - you might remember the piece of the Berlin wall and/or the generous shopping/lunch-finding time, when you all searched for American Fast Food chains...)

Here are some impressions of the Rosenmontagszug (or parade) in Koblenz. Olau!!


Can you spot Shaun the Sheep and the Lego People?

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