Wednesday 20 June 2012

Year 7 French Trip Day 3

The sun shone on us all today as we spent time in La Rochelle. The students enjoyed exploring the old town and using their French to do a little shopping and ordering of food and drink for their lunch. Here are just a few photos of the town:

After lunch we had a fascinating time looking around the aquarium. There were some huge tanks containing all sorts of marine life from around the world. Particular favourites were the seahorses, clown fish, jelly fish and sharks.

Unfortunately we didn't receive enough consent forms from parents to allow us to show pictures of the faces of our students on the web, so we decided to take some alternative group shots outside the aquarium!:

We do, however, have lots of photos of the students taking part in the activities that we will make into a display when we return to school.

Finally, food is always one of the great experiences of travel. We already mentioned how much we've enjoyed eating at the hotel. We took a 'before' and 'after' photo of 'Joseph' (named by his owner!) to show that we are all clearing our plates ... though we may be putting on a little weight, eating three courses for dinner every day!

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